Are you interested in promoting a stronger commitment to environmental justice in the City of Atlanta?
Organizing Communities, What's New
Twenty years ago, President Clinton issued Executive Order 12898, “Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations,” directing federal agencies to address environmental injustices in their operations and in communities across the country. Since that time a number of states, counties and cities including Fulton County have developed Environmental Justice policies of their own to pro-actively address environmental equity concerns and help ensure that minority and low-income communities are not disproportionately impacted by environmental hazards. Unfortunately, the City of Atlanta has not enacted an Environmental Justice policy.
To increase awareness about environmental hazards in Atlanta and the neighborhoods that are affected, ECO-Action will be hosting an all-day Community Forum, Sowing the Seeds of Hope and the Power of Collaboration for Environmental Health Protection in Our Community.
When: June 7, 2014 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm
Where: Georgia State University, Parker H. Petit Science Center, 115 Decatur St SE, Atlanta GA 30303. Parking is located at deck G and is available free of charge.
During the meeting we hope to learn more about the issues that affect us collectively while beginning to develop a strategy to advocate for an environmental justice policy that would apply to the City of Atlanta.
RSVP either online or call 404 584 6499.
Please mark your calendars and stay tuned for additional details about this exciting event.